Maecenas tincidunt posuere quam, eu consectetur justo

Semper leo. Fusce lectus justo, porta quis felis at, imperdiet elementum libero. Duis nec dignissim lectus.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse scelerisque venenatis purus eget maximus. Fusce dapibus leo sed sem fringilla, nec convallis arcu egestas. Nullam ut

Nulla facilisi. Etiam euismod tristique ipsum, vitae fringilla orci tempor at. Cras dignissim laoreet ligula. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec vitae aliquet dui, sit amet cursus ante. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut sodales porta lacus, eu facilisis justo. Curabitur sed leo dui.

Nam nisl ex, pellentesque eget lorem eget, dignissim lobortis nisi. Curabitur elit elit, condimentum non lacus sed, elementum pellentesque mi. Fusce eget accumsan elit. Integer euismod libero a tellus tincidunt venenatis. Vivamus sit amet neque id mauris lacinia consequat vel ac orci. Suspendisse posuere velit eu pellentesque vestibulum. Vestibulum sit amet nibh ut nisl luctus facilisis. Vestibulum et posuere massa, ut luctus enim. In id ex dui. Mauris elementum mauris ut mauris luctus gravida. Morbi fermentum mauris sollicitudin scelerisque euismod. Nulla tincidunt suscipit accumsan.

Cras eleifend magna et consequat ultrices. Phasellus sodales placerat ullamcorper. Vivamus sed scelerisque augue, a ultricies erat. Aenean felis nibh, aliquam non turpis et, tincidunt commodo tellus. Quisque tellus nisi, congue vitae mi a, ullamcorper luctus nunc. Nulla vel urna tellus. Aliquam non elementum enim. Maecenas volutpat ex ut nibh rhoncus, quis finibus orci venenatis.

“Etiam nec libero volutpat nisi pellentesque iaculis lobortis ac dui. Duis porta justo metus, eleifend vulputate ipsum volutpat vel.”

Nullam felis leo, tincidunt et facilisis a, gravida non est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse id laoreet nulla. Nullam sodales convallis pellentesque. Donec sed ipsum eget urna ultrices accumsan nec id dui. Vestibulum egestas, ex eu venenatis feugiat, risus neque congue odio, a suscipit lorem nisl non nunc. Maecenas quis metus et lectus luctus hendrerit. Nunc maximus, enim sed condimentum varius, eros nulla ultricies arcu, non lobortis orci lacus at neque. Nunc pellentesque tincidunt quam, nec gravida neque lacinia vitae. Ut finibus mi eu ante egestas, ut luctus nisl condimentum. Aenean consequat finibus sapien id porttitor.

Integer eu nulla ut purus blandit dapibus ac in quam. Nulla maximus ornare justo, vel luctus metus feugiat sit amet. Pellentesque elit dui, fringilla et sem non, malesuada blandit dui. Quisque sodales mollis elementum.

1. Nam sodales enim nec purus efficitur sodales.
2. Suspendisse rhoncus viverra scelerisque.
3. Nam id interdum nisl, non tempor elit.
4. Suspendisse eget maximus elit. Morbi ut vulputate nisi…

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis elementum nisl mi, facilisis dignissim ante cursus vitae. Donec tempus elit at ex tempus, in maximus augue rutrum. Cras vitae vehicula elit, posuere lacinia felis. Phasellus ligula nibh, mattis ac lobortis vel, vehicula dignissim tellus. Fusce orci purus, congue ac diam vel, tempor vestibulum nibh. Cras dictum elit a aliquam dictum.

Mauris condimentum vehicula erat, vitae dignissim turpis mattis non. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec porttitor, diam vel bibendum maximus, leo justo ornare lacus, nec tempus velit tortor sit amet risus. Pellentesque erat risus, dictum eu magna in, porttitor aliquam augue. Cras suscipit, turpis sit amet gravida iaculis, libero metus ultricies massa, eu condimentum magna erat nec tellus. Quisque ac finibus ipsum. Maecenas auctor sapien tellus, non auctor libero maximus eget. Phasellus iaculis magna non dignissim pulvinar.

Barter Swap Shop

We staged a Barter swap shop in the Pig Rock Bothy of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art between the 13 – 22 March 2015. In that time, instead of an exhibition or sale of artwork by artists with learning disability, we aimed for an alternative value exchange, of more meaning than simply a cash transaction.

Over 40 swaps occurred between the six artists and visitors to the gallery. We didn’t anticipate such a positive response- swappers said that the absence of currency allowed a more personal, meaningful consideration of what they might offer in exchange for each work. Reaction to the quality of the artwork seemed to fuel people’s desire to exchange something valuable, assisted by a guide to the interests of the maker.

People came up with some amazing exchanges in relation to their own skills and networks.

Sculptor Duncan Robertson thought of an incredible swap for David’s giclee cactus prints, sparked by the suggestion that David would like a night away somewhere. Duncan has a room in his Georgian house which he hires out as a B&B through Airbnb which happens to have a four poster bed. He offered David and his worker to stay over for a night in Edinburgh.

Scots music fan Paul’s ON-NO knuckleduster caught the attention of clarsach player Lola who offered to compose a ceilidh piece to be performed live for him.

Kurt Geiger in London have offered fashion fan Alan a pair of shoes, one for each day of the week in exchange for his David Bowie and Grace Jones T shirts.

Lynne’s hand painted silk floor cushion was exchanged for a bag designed by Alexa Hare in response the fabric design “I was inspired to imitate Lynne’s design as I loved it so much. I learned that Lynne likes handbags so I asked if I could make her a handbag for her cushion”

Gary Barlow fan Lorna swapped her apron made from her textile design for a ticket to see Take That in Glasgow.

Artists Andrew Gammond and Cai Conduct made personal CD’s for pop music fan Leanne in exchange for her posters. Andrew’s CD tracklistings began with L E A N N E S W A P S H O P and Cai’s CD cover was designed and illustrated by him.

People have swapped their work to see live music, manicure vouchers, Pro marker felt tip pens , boxes of Maltesers, a makeover and photoshoot, a gluten free meal, a train trip to Dunbar with fish and chips, tickets to a fashion show and the opportunity to gig with a band.

To see the swaps that took place, and what happened next, follow Artlink Edinburgh and Lothians facebook page.

Barter Swap Shop

The Pig Rock Bothy Project, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh

Monday 16th March to Sunday 22nd March

An exciting series of exchanges are about to take place inside the Pig Rock Bothy in the grounds of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art. Quite simply, art will be swapped for experiences.

The work designed and made by people with learning disabilities in collaboration with Artlink artists, varies from a gilded knuckle duster to a limited edition apron (there are only two in the world) will go on show for one week and during that time the group will look for barters for each of the artworks from gallery visitors.

In the Barter Swap Shop, visitors are invited to be as imaginative as possible and look at the value of the artworks in a completely different and more productive light. Value will be measured in offered experiences or objects more relevant to each maker. Artlink have provided a guide list of each artist’s interests and invite people to think creatively about what they could offer in exchange. You can read more about our other barters with the Midlothian Community here

Kara Christine coordinator of the programme states ‘ We intentionally want the audience to really think about the value of the work, to learn a little about the individual who made it and then make an offer. We have found in the past that all people involved get to do the most amazing things.  It’s win-win for all concerned.’

The Barter Swap shop will be open during gallery opening hours (10-5pm daily)

For more information on this project contact:

Kara Christine

0131 229 3555

This project is funded by Midlothian Council and Creative Scotland Promoting Equalities Programme


Extraordinary swaps that bring the flair and originality of artists with learning disabilities to the local community.

Pelican Gallery

Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

In December 2014, Dalkeith High Street traders showed their support for Artlink’s Barter project by displaying posters in their windows in the run up to Christmas. These posters are now on show in the Pelican Gallery of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

The Barter project itself is unique but simple: an artwork is made especially for an organisation, and in return the maker gets a new experience or new skill.

The project, based in Mayfield, Midlothian supports people with learning disability to use their skills and talents to the benefit of the local area. Simple partnerships are formed between artists on the project, working together to ensure that what is made is of the highest quality. Together they create new networks for people based on interests within the group, local requests and more recently commissions. Our overall intention is to create a new form of currency through the making of bespoke artworks which open up different opportunities, offer new experiences and skills, positively portraying people with learning disabilities as creative, imaginative, talented co-producers. We have begun to find that people are getting the opportunity to do things they have never done before.

Barters have included making a house sign for a vintage car hire owner in return for trips in a Rolls Royce, and magic shows in return for making the children’s entertainer a prop box. People have experienced watching badger pups in the wild, learned how to make canapes and had a ceilidh in a cafe, all which build experiences and networks.

Artlink were taken aback by the number of retailers who agreed to take part in displaying the posters. People came forward demanding more posters for their windows. Its been uplifting. It showed the Dalkeith community at their best – as the supportive and positive community that they are. So thank you Dalkeith you are amazing!

With support from Midlothian Council and Creative Scotland


Dog costume

David loves delicate line drawing. In conversation we discovered he liked dogs and superheroes. So we decided to mix the two. David worked with his support staff and Artlink artist Emily Martin to design costumes for dogs.

From his drawings we created a dog costume for Eadie. In its very first showing at the German Shepherd Rescue Fund dog show, David won a prize.

Our intention is to work with David to create new ideas for dog costumes or pet accessories, and through this create exchanges with like minded dog enthusiasts. Get in touch if you know of someone who might like their own pet fashion designer.

T shirt by Emily Millichip fashion designer

George Thompson from Dalkeith worked with artist Francesca Nobilucci and fashion designer Emily Millichip to create wearable artworks. Emily really wanted one of George’s paintings, which was exchanged in return for her textile skills.

Jigsaw for Whitmuir Organics

In this early Barter project, we started to look for very different barters. Nicholas Trayner from Penicuik worked with artist James McLardy to turn his animal drawings into a child’s jigsaw for Whitmuir Organics Café. Owner Heather organised a live music coffee morning for us in return. She said she loved the process of getting to know us through the exchange, and felt she got more out of it than we did! We disagree, it was fantastic.

Sculpture for The Watertower Restaurant

Lawrence Armstrong from Dalkeith worked with jeweller Maike Browning to create a suspended tree sculpture that would change colour with the elements for the Watertower restaurant in Dalkeith. Owners Gerry and Susan Goldwyre hosted a barbeque on his decking for us in return.Gerry suggested we approach Dalkeith Palace for another barter which led us to the exhibition we had there in October 2014.

Lorna’s Headress with Maggie Mowbray

Lorna loves colour and accessories and worked with milliner Maggie Mowbray to create this stunning design. We see this work as an introduction to possible collaboration with hair or fashion designers looking for new and exciting collaboration. If you’d be interested in working with us, get in touch.

House sign for Edinburgh and Rural Vintage Car Hire

George Horn owns two Rolls Royce’s, both made pre 1940, and through his specialist rental company he hires them out for special occasions. He’s based in Rosslynlee, notoriously rural and hard for potential clients to find. He requested a house sign in return for use of his vintage cars. The first house sign was so lovely, it was stolen one week after we put it up, so we replaced it with another. To date George has picked people from at their homes and day centres and taken them for spins in his vintage Rolls Royce. He also offered the use of his cars at a hospital fete Artlink organised in Edinburgh.